LAPHROAIG - art direction & design

Working closely with the Senior Strategist and Senior Social Manager we proactively brainstormed an April Fools idea for Laphroaig to place onto their social channels. We wanted to produce an idea that the community would love and also have that April Fools moment of… is this actually real? We landed on creating Laphroaig Peat Perfume. Peat is a signature ingredient for Laphroaig Whisky and is a huge part of their brand storytelling. With it’s heavy natural scent we thought it was a perfect ingredient for our made up perfume.

Peat Perfume was their most successful organic post ever and had the highest engagement rate on all their social platforms. Even the CEO of Beam Suntory saw the post and loved it. We anticipated a lot of the Laphroaig community would ask for this product to be made into a reality, so we pitched to Beam Suntory to make this product IRL. Watch this space!